We are kindly asking for your support in one or more of the following ways:
Silent Auction: Donations for bidding, value greater than $50.
Raffle Drawing: Donations of Merchandise, Gift Certificates, etc.
Game Prizes: prizes for longest putt, closest to pin, longest drive, etc.
Monetary: Online: tonymapu.org click the Donate Button
Checks payable to: Tony Mapu Memorial Foundation
In-Kind: Donation for 200 golfers and volunteers.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated and will better the lives of students, their families
and communities who will benefit from the Tony Mapu Memorial Foundation.
We ask that you please make your commitment by September 1st, 2023, to ensure we have enough
time for preparation. We will gladly pick up any donation or you may send it to our address below.
Tony Mapu Memorial Foundation
P.O. Box 705
Ankeny, IA 50021
Kathy Abbott
Email: aloha@tonymapu.org